Ram Lal Golchha Eye Hospital Foundation (RLGEHF) was established in 1980 as the first eye hospital outside Kathmandu valley with the missionary zeal to serve the blind and the poor as a new development in the battle to prevent and treat curable blindness. It is located in Biratnagar Sub-Metropolitan city in south east Nepal which is considered as second largest city after Kathmandu. The hospital has completed. Its decades of selfless service in the eye care to the people of the eastern region of Nepal and neighbouring states of India as well. The motto of the hospital is to provide free treatment to needy patients ensuring quality care at reasonable cost.
Started as an eighteen bedded, it was extended to 50 bedded from 13th Kartik, 2046 B.S. and now has the capacity of 100 beds. Surgeries with Intra Ocular Lens (IOL) implantation is performed in almost all cataract surgeries/. From December 2003, suture less technique named Phaco Emulsification widely known as manual Phaco Technique Small Incision cataract Surgery is also being performed.
After successful completion of 24 years as Ram Lal Golchha Netra Chikitshalya, in the year 2007 the newly instutionalized Ram Lal Golchha Eye Hospital Foundation (RLGEHF) a public trust, reflects the commitment of the founder organization in finding new way to reduce the burden of the “Nepal Blindness” in Nepal